An Australian national study found that 1 in 20 children do not leave home to play (Laird, McFarland−Piazza & Allen, 2014) and that 1 in 4 Australian children have never climbed a tree (Planet Ark 2012). These are statistics we’re determined to change.
Nature. Be in it. is an advocate for child-led, play based learning outside. We expertly facilitate nature sensory experiences where all can grow. We design and deliver world class programs for all education settings, kids and grown ups. We open minds and hearts to wonder and awe.
In just one generation our modern lifestyles have rapidly changed and previously common childhood experience such as climbing trees, getting dirty knees, catching bugs and having freedom to roam and explore the local neighbourhood no longer occur.
What is nature play and outdoor learning?
They all mean the same thing, and that is child-led, educator supported, unstructured play on and with nature, with little or no fixed equipment. Play is what children and youth do when they follow their own instincts, ideas and interests, in their own way, and for their own reasons.
Play is:
• Freely chosen
• Intrinsically motivated
• Personally-directed
Playing outdoors in natural environments provides children with opportunities to use their minds and bodies, freedom and imagination, often without adult intervention. Nature play experiences are a way for children to connect with each other and their surroundings.
The science is indisputable
Connection with nature aids healing, improves mental clarity, calms our nervous systems, heightens creativity, builds resilience, and all around makes for happier, healthier humans. And yet, as humans, young and old, it’s something we’re struggling with more and more in today’s technology driven, busy and over-stimulated culture.
Hear about the benefits of nature play straight from the children.
Our business aims to be a world leader in nature connection.
Whether it’s nature play aimed at educating our children or nature therapy aimed at creating healthy and happy adults, we create and facilitate unique, high-quality nature experiences for individuals, teams, families and educational groups, with attention and care to the whole human experience - the physical, the mental and the spiritual.
We design and write curriculum.
Kara Spence has been designing award winning curriculum since 2005. An expert in nature pedagogy she weaves inquiry and play based learning with the Australian Curriculum and EYLF to bring learning alive outside. She has written over 190 units of learning with a specialisation in STEM and HASS for K to year 7 classes.
We invest in our programs.
We constantly explore new ways to facilitate the highest level of positive outcomes in all our programs, and leave no detail forgotten.
Our Achievements - Project Awards
Winner of Sustainability Victoria’s Resource Smart Award – Water Smart, 2007.
Noted in Parliamentary speech for Achieving Community Excellence, 2007.
Special Commendation, Sustainability Victoria’s Resource Smart Award – Biodiversity, 2008.
Banksia Environmental Award Category Finalist, (Museum Victoria’s Water Smart Home), 2007
We invest in our employees.
We believe that maintaining a work environment that is conducive to our team’s physical, mental and spiritual health is paramount. We provide challenges and rewards that encourage them to make meaningful contributions to the company, the industry and community.
We invest in our nature.
We’re committed to operating in harmony and collaboration with nature with the highest level of ethical standards that do no harm and leave no trace to natural ecosystems. A social enterprise, we donate a percentage of all profits back into the conservation and protection of natural ecosystems via Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary.
Meet our team.
Kara Spence - Founding Director & Lead Educator
Kara’s career has been defined by one objective: Be outside. Over the past 30 years Kara has combined her passion for the environment, education and the community in designing and coordinating award-winning nature projects. A former Park Ranger, a certified Forest School Level 3 Leader, a Nature and Forest Therapy Guide and Teacher, she brings curriculum (and humans!) alive through unique outdoor learning. She is an expert at curriculum design and facilitating collaborative planning, having developed 190+ primary inquiry based units since 2005. Nature connection is in Kara’s bloodline. Born in Canada, now at home in Tasmania, she’s the daughter of an audacious nature crusader and mad-about-rocks geologist. They taught her about our dual demands on nature: sustain our souls and support our economy. We need both in harmony and balance. It’s her life’s work to bring that balance to herself and others. Kara is a fully registered Teacher with a degree in Environmental Studies, honours Geography.
Ina Güdelhöfer - Nature Playworker
With a wealth of global experience, Ina is an experienced teacher who has trained in education systems throughout Germany, Sweden and Australia and has chosen to specialise in working with young people to connect them with nature. She believes as humans, we need to take good care of nature and instilling a love of it in our children will help achieve that goal.
Brimming with fun and excitement, Ina’s enthusiasm is infectious. As a host of our school holiday program and educational programs, she works tirelessly to achieve our shared goal of making the benefits of nature play accessible to all Tasmanian children. Determined, organised and a hard worker.
Ben & Francis - The Support Team
Nature. Be in it. is a family affair and wouldn’t be the same without Kara’s local Mountain Man, Ben. Ben is lucky enough to call kunanyi/Mt Wellington/ his office. He knows all the nooks and crannies in many of Hobart’s outdoor spaces and has helped hand-build a fair few of the tracks over the years.
His beautiful daughter Francis supplies the Nature. Be In It. team with creative inspiration and a reminder to just BE whenever we can. Together they keep the home fires burning with yummy meals, wood chopping (for our damper fires, we don’t have a fireplace at home!) and turning a blind eye to all the household items that end up as creative equipment for our outdoor learning programs!